Houzz has the largest database of home design ideas on the net, with over 1,500,000 high resolution photos. If you are looking for home remodeling inspiration, you can browse photos by style, room and location and save them to your virtual ideabook — it's the equivalent of clipping design magazines to a scrapbook or "pinning" on Pinterest — making ideas easier to search, save, and share with others. Experience Houzz.com as an app or a website. Need help? Join the discussion and get the community to help with your design dilemmas. you can also find everything from the latest design products to top-rated local designers, architects, contractors and other home pros who can help you realize your ideas. The best part is, browsing your ideabook, they'll get exactly what you're trying to do.
And as if that wasn't enough, you can also use the Houzz Cost Finder to determine whether your remodeling ideas will fit your budget.
Want to update your Kitchen or Bathroom? Click a room or project and get an idea of approximately what your costs could be based on your location. It will give you the average cost and range for your city as well as pictures of completed projects to motivate and inspire you. It will also give you suggestions for products to use, whether your style is traditional or contemporary. And if you are looking for someone to do the work for you, click on Professionals and you will be given a list of designers and remodelers that will take care of everything.
Whether you are looking for design inspiration or renovation ideas, check out Houzz. We have using it for deck ideas and it has been a GREAT tool when it came time to describe to our contractor exactly what I wanted in a pergola. I pulled up the app, went to my Ideabook, showed him my pictures, and the rest is history...hopefully by August anyway. ;)